Thank you to all of our loyal long-time readers, and new culture vultures alike! As those of you who have been with us from the start surely know we are Melbourne’s only no-strings-attached fully independent critical review of all things culture in the greatest city on this gosh darned earth. Recently our printing press broke and when we asked for a new one found out that print media just isn’t what it used to be.
We adapted and got a small advertising partner with the strict terms that they would never have any input on the direction or publication of anything we write (we could say they’re all jerks and they couldn’t do a thing hahahahahahahahahahahahaha).
This allowed us to get the internet, and you wouldn’t believe it, we found this platform to publish our stories rather than on paper like we used to. I hope you continue to stay loyal to our dogged reporting and support us in this new endeavour as we look to expand our staff and areas of critique.
– Ray Viewer